vend: [17] Latin vēndere meant ‘sell’: it was a compound verb formed from vēnum ‘sale’ (source of English venal ‘corrupt, bribable’ [17]) and dare ‘give’ (source of English data). English acquired the word via French vendre, but it was preceded into the language by the derivative vendor [16]. => data, date, donate, venal
vend (v.)
1620s, from Latin vendere "to sell, give for a bribe; praise, cry up," contraction of venumdare "offer for sale," from venum "for sale" (see venal) + dare "to give" (see date (n.1)). Related: Vended; vending; vendible (early 14c.). Vending machine is recorded from 1889.
1. Vend is formal and indicates the selling of small articles.
2. Compare sell, vend, peddle , push and flog.
试比较sell、vend 、 peddle 、 push、flog这几个词.
3. Hardware Malfunction, call your hardware vend or for support.
硬件故障, 请让你的硬件提供商提供技术支持.
4. On vend ici des articles depuis cent francs.
5. Une entreprise est une unit é de production qui vend ses produits sur un march é.