edible plant root of eastern U.S., 1610s, American English, from Powhatan (Algonquian) tockawhouge (compare Mohegan tquogh, Shawnee tukwhah), perhaps related to Cree (Algonquian) pitikwaw "made round." From early 19c. a name applied in Virginia to those east of the Blue Ridge Mountains by the settlers west of them, who called themselves Cohees.
1. What disease does bolus of cassia twig tuckahoe treat?
2. Main compositions Sour orange , tuckahoe, carapace element, fat - removing saponin etc.
主要成份:代代花, 茯苓, 甲壳素, 清脂皂素等.
3. Objective To probe into the method of ICP - AES simultaneous measurement of multiple microelements in tuckahoe.
目的探讨电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP -AES )同时测定茯苓中多种微量元素的方法.
4. Ingredients : white tuckahoe, aloe , white awn, seawater, alga, evergreen bines, angelica, chamomile, glossy ganoderma, etc.