adj. 非常华丽的;廉价而俗丽的
n. 俗丽的东西;廉价而俗丽之物
tawdry 俗气的,花里胡哨的
来自 tawdry,女用丝巾,缩写自 tawdry lace,改写自 St.Audrey' lace,来自英国 7 世纪北方王国 Northumbria 皇后 St.Audrey,在其纪念日 Oct.17 每年集会通常会有类似丝巾出售,据说是因 于她喉咙上长有一个肿瘤,因此需佩带丝巾遮盖,她最后也死于该肿瘤。由于戴这种丝巾的 人太多,引申词义俗气的,花里故哨的。
"I know of a surety that I deservedly bear the weight of my trouble on my neck, for I remember that, when I was a young maiden, I bore on it the needless weight of necklaces; and therefore I believe the Divine goodness would have me endure the pain in my neck, that so I may be absolved from the guilt of my needless levity, having now, instead of gold and pearls, the fiery heat of a tumour rising on my neck." [A.M. Sellar translation, 1907]