n. 鞑靼人(蒙古人和突厥人);凶悍的人;难对付的人
adj. 鞑靼的
tartar 酒石,牙石,牙垢
来自希腊语 tartaron,酿酒后覆盖于酒桶的沉淀物,酒石,可能最终来自闪语。引申词义牙石, 牙垢。
Tartar 鞑靼,暴君,残暴者
来自拉丁语 Tartarus,鞑靼人,蒙古人,来自波斯语 Tatar,鞑靼,特别是用于指成吉思汗,最 终来自 Tata,鞑靼,蒙古族自称。由于 13 世纪,成吉思汗横扫欧洲,给欧洲人留下了极强的 心理阴影,因而引申诸多野蛮词义。其拼写受到原拉丁语 Tartarus 影响。
Irish soldier (shouting from within the brush): I've captured one of the enemy.Among the adjectival forms that have been used are Tartarian (16c.), Tartarous (Ben Jonson), Tartarean (17c.); Byron's Tartarly (1821) is a nonce-word (but a good one). Tartar sauce is first recorded 1855, from French sauce tartare.
Captain: Excellent! Bring him here.
Soldier: He won't come.
Captain: Well, then, you come here.
Soldier: I would, but he won't let me.