1560s, "wolf spider," (Lycos tarantula), from Medieval Latin tarantula, from Italian tarantola, from Taranto "Taranto," seaport city in southern Italy in the region where the spiders are frequently found, from Latin Tarentum, from Greek Taras (genitive Tarantos; perhaps from Illyrian darandos "oak"). Its bite is only slightly poisonous. Popularly applied to other great hairy spiders, especially the genus Mygale, native to the warmer regions of the Americas (first so called in 1794).
1. Luckily, you can make an okay - looking knock - off using the Tarantula design.
幸好, 你可以作出一个好的面向下班使用狼蛛的设计.
2. He had a huge hairy tarantula in the box ( PS 6 ).
盒子里装的是一只巨大的、毛茸茸的狼蛛 ( 魔法石第六章 ).
3. We need an antitoxin to counteract the bite of the tarantula.
4. Don Lockwood: Meet the greatest actor in the world! I'd rather kiss a tarantula.
唐: 遇见了世界上最伟大的演员! 我宁可去吻狼蛛.
5. Democrats view as the kind of operative who would put a tarantula under an opponent's pillow.