summer: [OE] Summer is a general Germanic word, with relatives in German and Danish sommer, Dutch zomer, and Swedish sommar. It goes back ultimately to an Indo-European base *sem-, which also produced Welsh haf ‘summer’ and Sanskrit sámā ‘year, season’.
summer (n.1)
"hot season of the year," Old English sumor "summer," from Proto-Germanic *sumur- (cognates: Old Saxon, Old Norse, Old High German sumar, Old Frisian sumur, Middle Dutch somer, Dutch zomer, German Sommer), from PIE root *sem- (2) "summer" (cognates: Sanskrit sama "season, half-year," Avestan hama "in summer," Armenian amarn "summer," Old Irish sam, Old Welsh ham, Welsh haf "summer").
As an adjective from c. 1300. Summer camp as an institution for youth is attested from 1886; summer resort is from 1823; summer school first recorded 1810; theatrical summer stock is attested from 1941 (see stock (n.2)). Old Norse sumarsdag, first day of summer, was the Thursday that fell between April 9 and 15.
summer (n.2)
"horizontal bearing beam," late 13c., from Anglo-French sumer, Old French somier "main beam," originally "pack horse," from Vulgar Latin *saumarius, from Late Latin sagmarius "pack horse," from sagma "packsaddle" (see sumpter).
summer (v.)
"to pass the summer," mid-15c., from summer (n.1). Related: Summered; summering.
1. Most of my patients welcome the coming of summer.
2. The following summer the peach tree was laden with fruit.
3. Next summer's exams would be straightforward to administer and mark.
4. Sweden is lovely in summer— cold beyond belief in winter.
5. This year hotels that usually are jammed had vacancies all summer.