n. 斯诺克台球
vt. 阻挠
snooker 斯诺克,阻挠,欺骗
来自英国驻扎印度时期的俚词词 snooker,新兵,新手,实习军官,该词本身可能改写自 rookie, 俚语发音自 recruit.后用于指斯诺克台球,一个较流行的故事版本是约在 1874 年,当时的陆 军中尉 Sir Neville Chamberlain 和其它军官在击台球的时候,对方一个简单的球没有击入球 网,因此,他就戏谑的称其为 snooker.最终该俚语词神奇的成为了这种台球的正式名称,并 由于在击球中的技巧和战术引申词义阻挠,欺骗等。
One of the great amusements of this game is, by accuracy in strength, to place the white ball so close behind a pool ball that the next player cannot hit a pyramid ball, he being "snookered" from all of them. If he fail to strike a pyramid ball, this failure counts one to the adversary. If, however, in attempting to strike a pyramid ball off a cushion, he strike a pool ball, his adversary is credited with as many points as the pool ball that is struck would count if pocketed by rule. [Maj.-Gen. A.W. Drayson, "The Art of Practical Billiards for Amateurs," 1889]