adj. 洛可可式的;旧式的;过分修饰的
n. 洛可可式(18 世纪后半期盛行欧洲的一种建筑装饰艺术风格)
rococo 洛可可式的
来自法国 18 世纪大量运用石头与明亮的贝壳进行装饰的建筑风格,并渗透到其它诸多艺术 领域。该词来自法语 rococo,幽默改写自 rocaille,贝壳艺术品,小石头,鹅卵石,来自 roche, 石头,词源同 rock.-ille,小词后缀。
Much of the painting, engraving, porcelain-work, etc., of the time has ... a real decorative charm, though not of a very high order in art. Hence rococo is used attributively in contempt to note anything feebly pretentious and tasteless in art or literature. [Century Dictionary, 1902]