c. 1300, from Old French revers "reverse, cross, opposite" (13c.), from Latin reversus, past participle of revertere "turn back, turn about, come back, return" (see revert). Reverse angle in film-making is from 1934. Reverse discrimination is attested from 1962, American English.
reverse (n.)
mid-14c., "opposite or contrary" (of something), from reverse (adj.) or from Old French Related: revers "the opposite, reverse." Meaning "a defeat, a change of fortune" is from 1520s; meaning "back side of a coin" is from 1620s. Of gear-shifts in motor cars, from 1875. As a type of sports play (originally rugby) it is recorded from 1921.
reverse (v.)
early 14c. (transitive), "change, alter;" early 15c. (intransitive), "go backward," from Old French reverser "reverse, turn around; roll, turn up" (12c.), from Late Latin reversare "turn about, turn back," frequentative of Latin revertere (see revert). Related: Reversed; reversing.
1. Amis tells the story in reverse, from the moment the man dies.
2. The wrong attitude will have exactly the reverse effect.
3. The company had to do something to reverse its sliding fortunes.
4. The bank reserves the right to reverse any transfers or payments.
5. MPs hoped to reverse Britain's opt-out from the treaty.