mumps: [16] The dialect noun mump meant ‘grimace’; and the use of its plural mumps for the disease is thought to have been originally an allusion to the distorted expression caused by the swollen neck glands. Mump itself is presumably related to the verb mump ‘sulk’ [16], and belongs to a family of words (including also mumble [14]) based on the syllable mum, representing an ‘indistinct sound made through closed lips’ (mum ‘silent’ [14] itself, as in ‘keep mum’, comes from this source, as does mummer [15], originally ‘mime actor’). => mum, mumble, mummer
mumps (n.)
type of contagious disease, c. 1600, from plural of mump "a grimace" (1590s), originally a verb, "to whine like a beggar" (1580s), from Dutch mompen "to cheat, deceive," originally probably "to mumble, whine," of imitative origin. The infectious disease probably so called in reference to swelling of the salivary glands of the face and/or to painful difficulty swallowing. Mumps also was used from 17c. to mean "a fit of melancholy."
1. The child has the mumps.
2. Mumps is a children's disease.
3. Measles, mumps and whooping cough are spreading again because children are not being vaccinated.
4. She was bed - ridden with the mumps for weeks on end.