n. 伦敦腔;伦敦人
adj. 伦敦人的;伦敦方言的
cockney 伦敦东区的人
cock, 公鸡。-ey, 蛋,词源同egg .字面意思即公鸡下的蛋,贬义用法,形容拿腔拿调的人。
[I]n all likelihood, not the etymon of ME cokeney 'milksop, simpleton; effeminate man; Londoner,' which is rather a reshaping of [Old French] acoquiné 'spoiled' (participle). However, this derivation poses some phonetic problems that have not been resolved.The accent so called from 1890, but the speech peculiarities were noted from 17c. As an adjective in this sense, from 1630s.