adj. 波希米亚的;放荡不羁的;波希米亚语的
n. 波希米亚人;波希米亚语;放浪者
bohemian 波西米亚式,放荡不羁
来自中欧古国名Bohemia。Boii, 民族名。-hem, 家,同home. 过去一种谬误认为吉普赛人来自这里,因此就有了放荡不羁的意思。
The term 'Bohemian' has come to be very commonly accepted in our day as the description of a certain kind of literary gipsey, no matter in what language he speaks, or what city he inhabits .... A Bohemian is simply an artist or littérateur who, consciously or unconsciously, secedes from conventionality in life and in art. ["Westminster Review," 1862]