- Galicia
- region in Central Europe, perhaps ultimately from Lithuanian galas "end, peak," in reference to the Carpathian Mountains which rise there, or from the root of Gaul. The region in northwestern Spain of the same name is from the ancient Roman province of Gallaecia, which is perhaps from the Celtic root cala "watercourse," or else it, too, might be from the root of Gaul. Related: Galician (1749 of Spain, 1835 of Eastern Europe).
- 1. Book online the cheapest hotels in Galicia - low prices and high discounts.
- 网上预定在加利西亚最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多.
- 2. A former property registrar from Galicia, Mr. Rajoy shares Galicians'legendary ability to disguise his intentions.
- 拉霍伊先生原是加利西亚的一名财产登记员, 他发扬了加利西亚人传奇式的掩饰意图的能力.
- 3. The 3 - 2 victory in Galicia means Celta have it all to do at Highbury tomorrow night.
- 2的胜利意味着赛尔塔要想翻盘就必须在海布里倾尽全力.