- Deuteronomy (n.)
- 5th book of the Pentateuch, late 14c., from Late Latin Deuteronomium, from Greek Deuteronomion, literally "second law," from deuteros "second" (see deuterium) + nomos "law" (see numismatics). A mistranslation of Hebrew mishneh hattorah hazzoth "a copy of this law" [Deut. xvii:18]. The book is a repetition, with comments, of the Decalogue and most of the laws of Exodus. The title was translated literally into Old English as æfteræ, literally "after-law."
- 1. I found myself clutching for a verse from Deuteronomy.
- 不知不觉中我发现自己琢磨起了《圣经》中的句于.
- 2. Deuteronomy 28:64,65 tells us about the people of Israel.
- 申命记28:64,65给我们讲述了以色列民.
- 3. Deuteronomy 6:16 Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God, as ye tempted him in Massah.
- 申命记6章16节你们不可试探耶和华你们的神, 像你们在玛撒那样试探他.
- 4. Which books of the Torah are missing from this list? - EXODUS NUMBERS and DEUTERONOMY.
- 律法书中有那些书没有列在这名单上? - 出埃及记,民数记和申命记.